Bristol to Morocco - A Visual Voyage

The last two months have been spent exploring the road from Bristol to Morocco. I drove over 4000 miles, drank a lot of tea, had interesting encounters, swam in rivers and oceans, caught up with old friends and broke down! It’s been an amazing few months, revitalizing my love for travel and also inspiring me to undertake more road trips in the future, especially alone. Here are a few of my favourite pictures from the journey so far.

I was worried before leaving that driving alone through Europe would be lonely and sleeping alone in the van at roadsides would be scary but it wasn’t the case. I was worried about the border crossing to Morocco, taking the van over on the ferry and driving on moroccan roads, all new experiences for me but I’ve enjoyed it all. It has really fortified the thought in my mind that if you commit yourself fully to an idea or a plan you can make it happen. This whole trip was nothing but a fanciful idea but it’s become a reality and an enjoyable one at that.

Now though, I have no comfortable van home and I must cross the Sahara and down through West Africa to reach my real destination of this trip, Ghana.


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